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2025-03-03: Fix image download problem in Firefox and mobile browsers
2024-02-29: website domain is changed from waifu2x.udp.jp to www.waifu2x.net
English / 日本語 / Русский / Português / Español / Français / Deutsch / Türkçe / 简体中文 / 繁體中文 / 한국어 / Nederlands / Català / Română / Italiano / Esperanto / Bokmål / Українська / Polski / Български

Single-Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. And it supports photo.

Image choosing (D&D):
Or choose a file:
Limits: Size: 5MB, Noise Reduction: 3000x3000px, Upscaling: 1500x1500px.
Noise Reduction:
(expect JPEG artifact)
You need use noise reduction if image actually has noise or it may cause opposite effect.
🚀 4x
Image Format:
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